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Cefin Real Estate Asset Management

Cefin Holding Cefin Holding started its activity in 1995 in Bucharest, Romania. Since then it expanded both in terms of area - Hungary was added in 1998 and Bulgaria in 2000 - and in terms of activities. Cefin aims at the market leadership in any of the business sector where it competes. Cefin strengths are its workforce and its customers. Integrity, Passion and Performance are the key parameters on which our management and staff are evaluated. An overall sense of quality and the ability to do more and better for our customers is our basic aim. Cefin Holding employs more than 1.400 people and serves more than 15.000 customers. CREAM - Cefin Real Estate Asset Management Founded in 1995 as the real estate division of the Cefin Group, CREAM activities started with the development of the properties used by the group's automotive division. Since 2001 CREAM developments included products aimed at the market, initially in the industrial/logistic segment of the market and, since 2005, also in retail and land banking. Total build surface delivered by CREAM is currently of 350.000 sqm for a total value in excess de 150 mil / Eur and total portfolio currently under development in excess of 900 mil /Eur. Cefin Real Estate Asset Management owns a portfolio of more than 2.5 mil / sqm of lands for future development. CREAM business model typically see the entrance in partnership / joint venture of RE investment funds in real estate development at a very early stage. Cefin Real Estate Asset Management aims at being one of the leading developers in SEE region, known for the quality of its products and for the strength of its partnerships.

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